2024-11-20 07:19  浏览:258  搜索引擎搜索“错改B2B”
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take your time

fake it till you make it

the more the merrier

is that all you got cut the bullshit

never ever never ever

please be seated please be seated

keep in touch keep in touch

hear me out hear me out

why do you think why do you think

may I speak frankly may I speak frankly

you are one to talk you are one to talk I'm warning you

I'll keep that in mind

do you have any money

I'll consider it I'll consider it

that make sense that make sense

what do you see what do you see

what a fool I was what a fool I was

cut the crap cut the crap

what's your next move

it's my destiny it's my destiny

I was a fool I was a fool

take care of yourself

you did a good job you did a good job I'm so proud of you

I'm on vacation I'm on vacation

that's a bummer that's a bummer

I'm looking forward to it

it like being around you

how did you find me

you are my hero you are my hero

we had a deal we had a deal

I'm pressed for time

don't blame yourself

enjoy your meal enjoy your meal

I miss you l miss you

l miss you I miss you

let bygones be bygones

you promised me

try harder try harder

it's not a big deal it's not a big deal

you make me sick you make me sick

I'll do my best I'll do my best

I don't love you anymore

time will tell you suck

start over I assure you

don't look back

I need some money

I don't care it's been a long time

what can I say

life sucks life sucks

I miss you so much

hang in there I want a raise

you ask for it you have my attention

you are full of shit you are telling me

that's just the way it is

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