Workflow: check whether the PR is up to date
2024-10-17 13:15  浏览:802  搜索引擎搜索“错改B2B”
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Someone asked me to review his pr which is not ye up to date with the target branch. I think there should be a github action which can auto mark the pr as failed if it isn't up to date yet.

So I create a github action. Here's the steps:

  1. In the repository, create a folder named .github
  2. In the .github folder, create a child folder named workflows
  3. In the workflows folder, create a file with whatever name you like, in my case check-pr.yml
  4. In the check-pr.yml, add the content below:

name: PR-Check on: pull_request: branches: [ "dev", "main", "prod" ] jobs: Check-pr-uptodate: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Check out repository with: fetch-depth: 0 uses: actions/checkout@v4 - run: echo "The repository has been cloned to the runner" - run: | if git merge-base --is-ancestor origin/${{github.event.pull_request.base.ref}} HEAD then echo "Branch is up to date" else echo "Branch needs update" exit 1 fi


  • on: specify the event to trigger the action.
    • pull_request: the action is triggered by pull request.
      • branches: the target branch of the pr. If the pr's target branch is not in the list, the action will not be triggered.
  • jobs: job's the action will do. You can set multiple jobs in one action file.
    • Check-pr-uptodate: this is a custom job name, you can set to whatever you like.
      • runs-on: the operating system you want to run the action on.
      • steps: One job may have many steps, they are executed by sequence.
        • name: You can give the step a name
        • uses: the already ready to use actions provided, you can search them on github.
        • with: the options applied to the action of the current step
        • run: command to run

As you can see, some steps does not have a name. In fact, the last two steps written by my self does not have a name. But the first one which is from github actions collection does, and it also has a uses option to specify what action to run.

I searched a few and don't know if it works if you place the file in other branch other than main(the default branch).But I recommended you don't waste two much time on it and just place it in the main branch, then it will work perfectly.

It looks like so easy to do but I took half of a day to make it work, honestly.

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